

Your Guide to Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions should be looked at positively, not as a burden. Learn how to use them for self-reflection and growth in the new year using these 10 steps.

graphing paper with text

Self-Knowledge – Because you probably are the authority on yourself

Did it ever occur to you that you should consider yourself as the authority on what’s going on with you? You give a first-person account of what you are feeling, thinking, and other mental states you experience. Find out why self-knowledge is important and how you can improve how much you know yourself.

Hey! I’m not giving up today!

Your happiness matters, whether your country was included in The World Happiness Report rankings or not

Is your happiness unimportant because your country was excluded from The World Happiness Report? The writers of these types of reports might have their reasons about which countries to target for data collection, but what does that say to you about the ones from whom no data is collected?

Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.”

– Belva Davis

Photo courtesy SFGATE

Why? Here’s why.

Why are you doing what you’re doing? Here’s my why.

Free inspirational wallpapers

I like to have my affirmations where I can see them at all times to remind myself of what I set out to do. It comes in pretty handy when I’m faced with a difficult task or situation (you know, like that pep talk you need when no one’s available to give it). I’d like to share them because the more we support and encourage each other, the more each of us can keep moving towards our goals. All I ask is that you don’t alter them to crop out the logo and . Download wallpapers for your desktop, tablets and phones.

Unfettered Passion

The passion to live the life you want!

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